What are the top 3 priorities for recruitment in 2024?
I think that's a really interesting question. And I think it's not just this year. Every organization that is in the marketplace for talent has to be doing three things. The first thing they have to be doing is what I call active Talent Acquisition. So going to market, a good career site, good outreach with programmatic, good opportunity to go after talent pools. The second thing that they have to do is internal mobility, because what they need to be able to do is move people up in the organization as a retention tool, career pathing. And it's easier to backfill for those roles. The third thing that I think every organization has to be doing is employee referrals. Referrals are a great way to tap into your existing talent for people who understand your brand, your culture and can make referrals to people who are less expensive. They're organically reached. I think if companies do those three things then they'll have a good TA strategy.
In addition, I think we have to really focus on the idea of going after not just talent, but skills, because skills are the thing that everybody's looking for. Do you have the ability to do the job that needs to be done? I need those skills. So I think if you focus on building the right infrastructure those three things, going after the right skills and then creating the content.
Does the form of employment have an impact on recruitment, is flexible employment a recruitment asset?
In many organizations post-covid, hybrid work is becoming the expectation, people want the flexibility. They want to be able to work from home when they need to take care of their children and time shift in their day. They still do the same amount of work, sometimes even more, so I think hybrid is absolutely something that we're going to have to live with. And the question is with hybrid: how do we make sure that young people coming into business get the role models and experience that they need to be able to get smart. We need to make sure that we're still driving collaboration in the business. So working together really brings on innovation. If we all work from home all the time that's bad. There are some roles that obviously can't be done from home, they need to be in the physical space.
The other thing that we're seeing is when we talk about job sharing and things like that, we're gonna find that if people have certain skills, we're gonna want them. There's also the gig economy, where people are saying: “Look, I've got these skills! I want to work for one company. I have worked for seven companies, all of them put me on a project that needed my skills. Pay me appropriately for my skills and I can have the flexibility in my life.”
So I think the new world of work is here. We're still trying to figure out how we adapt to it. Those organizations that figured out where they provide the same structure (because they need the learning and development and all the other things and they want productivity while giving people the flexibility) are the ones that are gonna win.
Is there a focus on recruitment technology investments? And in which areas?
Absolutely there's a focus on technology. I think we are in a time where technology is more important than ever and a lot of organizations have been sort of playing around in the space where they're buying what we call point solutions. They'll pick a product that does this, they'll buy a CRM, They might buy a chatbot and so on. And we're seeing that the market is shifting to what we do, which is platform. It's not bisected into small little pieces. It's a single platform because what companies are looking for is a tool that drives ROI, it drives efficiency and automation and most importantly what it does is that it brings a single source of truth.
So when somebody comes to a career site that data is fed into the AI engine for programmatic. It then feeds the CRM and the event strategy. It feeds internal mobility. So I think absolutely, investment in technology, in HR Tech is ballooning at a rate we have never seen before. It’s critical. Making the right choices is critical. No longer going for point solutions is important.
On top of that the other thing is really important is to make sure that we avoid what I like to call: shiny objects syndrome. A lot of times companies will say I want this, and then I go: why do you want that? - because somebody else has it. Yeah, but that doesn't mean you need it. And I always go back to the question, which is what is the business problem that we're trying to solve because then I can tell you how to use the tool to get that result. And so again, very important, absolutely. If companies aren't thinking about it, they're already way behind and it is about how you put the right platform in the right place.
Where are recruitment organisations failing today from a management perspective?
One of the hardest things for organizations to do is to break down the silos and I believe that everything is connected. So I don't think you can think of employer branding, career site, employee referrals, CRM differently, they're all connected and I think where they fail is to link them all together. We're now in a world where we have technology, we have data, artificial intelligence and all the AI tools are available to us. It's fed by data and when you don't connect the business elements, you fail. It's about having a vision at the top, that’s when we are going to break down the silos. We're going to turn it into a talent function and focus on our culture and articulating that story to the right talent pools. We're going to find ways to maximize our impact and access to those talent pools. We're going to optimize every touch point that we have. So anytime a candidate engages with us, iit allows us to increase efficiency. So I think if they're not thinking that way that's where they're failing.
What can we expect from you at recruiTECH 2024?
I'm gonna challenge normal convention. I think people are going to be a little bit surprised where I come from. I'm a big believer in blowing up the status quo and I'm going to talk about not where you are but where you need to be. I'm gonna be very specific about that because I think, again, if organizations aren't doing the things that we just discussed they're gonna lose. It's about changing their mindset and making those investments. And what's interesting is when you make that investment, it may seem like a lot of money up front and it's difficult to build the business case, and get the budget, but that investment over time within six months to a year if done properly, actually drives costs down. It actually improves efficiency and it gives businesses a new way to look at things. I'm gonna bring a global perspective because I spend a lot of time all over the world. We're working with global businesses to do this kind of stuff. So I'll share some opinions and I think I'll shake people up a little bit.
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